Depurator »SYNTESI«, size 2, G 3/4, 0.01 µm, p1 = max. 13 bar, RMSA semi-automatic, T = -10 … 50 °C
As the second stage after the filter, depurators remove the liquid and solid particles dispersed in the compressed air with a high degree of efficiency via a special filtering element ("coalescence cartridge"). They are particularly suitable for eliminating traces of oil present in the compressed air.
The air flow rate must remain below the maximum values to achieve the desired degree of purification. Beyond this value, there may be a decline in the quality of air from the depurator.
Condensate drain RMSA semi-automatic: It closes at approx. 1 bar and drains when depressurized. It can be locked manually if required.
SAC fully automatic drain on request. This only releases the condensate in the event of sudden pressure changes.
On the front and back there is a port (1/8” for size 1 and 1/4” for size 2) that can be used with pressure gauges, pressure switches or as an additional filtered air outlet. The air taken from here is not purified.